Coming in 2025 this newsletter will be shifting from being Tennessee centric to focusing on financial transaction freedom across the United States. Next year Catherine will also be starting briefings for state legislators detailing how they can protect their states ability to transact freely. These briefings will be held via Zoom on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 2-4 pm eastern. If you think your legislator would benefit from such a briefing and would like to have them join, please email for more information.
The Bitcoin Reserve Fraud
January’s state legislator zoom will focus on how crypto donors are lobbying states to mandate government purchase of their holdings at the taxpayers’ expense. Catherine will be joined by Timothy L. Caban, co-host of the Solari Report's quarterly Equity Overview. In this briefing they will review what is happening and how legislators and other officials can communicate to their constituents why they oppose this "take from the poor and give to the rich" scheme while working hard to protect the state’s and citizens’ land and real assets.
Thursday, January 9th, 2-4pm ET
Reserve your place:
On behalf of the entire team at the Solari Report, we would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year! |