The fight for financial transaction freedom is on. Below is an overview of the most important developments happening in the state of Tennessee.
Financial Transaction Freedom
Financial Transaction Freedom
TN Update

The fight for financial transaction freedom is on. Below is an overview of the most important developments happening in the state of Tennessee.


This week SB2737 will be heard in the Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee on Monday the 16th. This bill authorizes the Tennessee Treasurer to put 1-3% of the reserve for revenue fluctuations account into gold and silver. The bill will also make gold and silver legal tender in Tennessee, but will not require that anyone be forced to accept it as such. Last week it was placed “behind the budget” in the House Finance Ways & Means Subcommittee since it does have a fiscal note. As of now we don’t foresee any issues with it coming out from behind the budget, but prayers for a smooth passage of this bill would be quite appreciated!

If you're reading this before 1pm Central on the 15th, please email and call the following members of the Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee members and ask that they vote YES on SB2737.

Senator Bo Watson (615) 741-3227
Senator Jack Johnson (615) 741-2495
Senator John Stevens (615) 741-4576
Senator Joey Hensley (615) 741-3100
Senator Ferrell Haile (615) 741-1999
Senator London Lamar (615) 741-2509
Senator Page Walley (615) 741-2368
Senator Bill Powers (615) 741-2374
Senator Dawn White (615) 741-6853
Senator Ken Yager (615) 741-1449
Senator Jeff Yarbro (615) 741-3291;;;;;;;;;;

We also ask that you pray for our bill sponsors, Senator Niceley and Rep Hulsey, the committee members, & for guidance for all those in positions of authority in this state.

Until next week, 

The Solari Team

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